السبت، 28 أغسطس 2010

قصة الاخت كاميليا مترجمة لعدة لغات ..نرجواا النشر والتوزيع

نقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

نرجواا من الجميع نشر ترجمة قصة الاخت كاميليا فى كل مكان

منظمات حقوق الانسان
مجموعات الفيسبوك
المواقع الاخبارية
على الاصدقاء
فى كل مكان
ونسال الله ان ينصر اختنا كاميليا ويثبتها
اللهم امين

ترجمة الاخ الكريم

Ecrit par balqani le

Camellia cherche al moatasim

كاميليا تبحث عن المعتصم

Voici l'histoire de camellia chehata zakher sans doute banale, mais pas pour elle ni tous ses frères et sœurs musulmans. Camellia chehata zakher est une jeune femme egyptienne de 25 ans enseignant les sciences naturelles à (completer) . Tadros Samaan, prêtre copte a l'église orthodoxe est son mari et père de son enfant de moins d'un an.

Tous ses amis chrétiens comme musulmans reconnaissent tous sa bonne éducation, sa décence. En somme c’est une femme appréciée de son entourage.

Jusque la, c'est le parcours d'une mère de famille exemplaire.

De part son metier d’enseignante, elle aimait lire et découvrir le monde. Elle s'intéressa a l'islam et au prophète Mohamed, cela depuis un sermon sur ses qualités lors de la prière d’un vendredi qu’elle entendit depuis le toit de sa maison.

Elle questionnait ses collègues de travail, passait des moments à dialoguer sur l islam ou finalement la vérité s’imposa tant les preuves étaient claires. Par ailleurs, on notait son attrait pour le hijab qu’elle considerait comme un symbole de dignité de la femme

Elle accepta l’ islam et déclara : Je témoigne qu’il n’y a de vraie divinité que Dieu ALLAH et que Mahomed est Son messager qu’est l’attestation de foi. Une petite fête fut organisé pour l'occasion.

Voila un an et demi qu'elle était musulmane et qu’elle ne s’acquittait plus de son devoir conjugal. Or le fait d’etre marié à un prêtre compliquait la situation et cela d’autant qu'elle n'etait pas la seule ni la premiere dans ce cas. En egypte, on note trois cas similaires médiatisé dont celui de Wafa Constantine , toutes trois portés disparus

Dans un pays ou les lois sont appliquées , peut on disparaitre sans laisser de trace?

Qui est Tadros Samaan ? Un mari escroc qui ouvrit un compte bancaire au nom de sa femme ou il déposa l'argent volé et accumulés durant ses années passés à l’eglise . Bien que ce ne soit pas des actes dignes d'un homme de dieu, il critiquait pourtant les habits décents que portait son epouse et la traitant d’idiote pour ne pas ressembler aux femmes des autres prêtres.

Les insultes quotidiens étaient intolérables mais son bébé la retenait au sein de son foyer. Dès qu’il atteignit l’ age de 6 mois , exactement le 17 juillet 2010 elle décida de quitter son mari et déclara son islam. Apres avoir pris la peine de retirer l'argent volé de son compte bancaire (35 000 pounds égyptiens ), elle le déposa dans une enveloppe a la maison et laissait à son mari un message ecrit qu'elle retournait chez sa mère.

En egypte dès qu’une femme chrétienne disparaissait , les chrétiens criaient toujours au scandale et au kidnapping et le criminel etant toujours un musulman amoureux. Et les réactions ne se firent pas attendre .Le père à Camellia accusa un chauffeur de petit taxi (toc-toc) qui serait l auteur vu que sa fille avait de l'argent sur elle le jour de sa disparition.

Camellia se refugia chez un musulman d'age mur abu muhamad, père d’ une famille nombreuse connu et respecté dans la région. il l' hébergea pendant trois ou quatre jours afin de lui permettre d’entamer les procédures . abu muhamad s'etait assuré de sa conversion à l islam avant de l heberger , en effet elle connaissait par cœur quatre chapitres du coran , sachant faire ses ablutions et toujours prete pour la salat avant même l’appel al adhan.

Abu yahya est un personnage clé dans l'histoire. C'est un musulman qui s’occupait des problèmes des convertis, en les testant puis leur remettant leur certificat avec son cachet de temoin a alazhar.

abu yahya entendit l' histoire de camilia par les services de police l’ayant contacté à 2 reprises depuis sa disparition , pour connaitre sa situation. Il se mit aussi de son coté à la chercher sur le net, ecoutant les infos.IL remarqua les manifestations des chrétiens depuis l’enlevement.

Puis , abu muhamad contacta abu yahya pour l'aider dans les procédures afin de certifier l’islam de camellia à al azhar . C e dernier accepta et les invita chez lui. Le trajet fut long de al menya jusqu'au Caire,abu muhamad arriva avec camelia a six heures du matin . Abu yahya proposà a camellia de retourner dans son foyer s’il s’agissait d'une dispute conjugale ou d’un chagrin. Elle refusa catégoriquement insistant qu'elle musulmane depuis un an et demi.

Une fois les pieces prêtes, ils se rendirent à al azhar. Ils les remirent les piéces a l'employer de l'office chargé des nouveaux musulmans. Tout se deroulait bien jusqu'au moment ou l'employeur entendit le nom de camellia , il ouvrit aussitot un tiroir sorti des documents puis demanda s’il s’agissait bien de camellia shehata enseignante âgée de 25 ans. La réponse fut affirmative ce qui plongea le bureau dans une confusion totale, l'employer du bureau declara qu’elle devrait revenir le lendemain pour etre interrogé par des prêtres chrétiens dans le but de s assurer de l absence de contrainte ou de pression exercée sur la jeune femme. Le plus étrange fut qu’il quitta le bureau puis revint apres quelques minutes annoncer que l’absence du responsable susceptible de finaliser le document.

Abu yahya n'avait pas de nouvelles de l'officier de police . Une fois chez lui il réussit a le joindre .les ordres de l'officier étaient claires : ne pas bouger de son domicile et de retourner a al hazhar que le lendemain, car 10 bus remplis de chrétiens quittaient al menya afin d’ empecher camillia de declarer son islam officiellement .

Le lendemain, il reçut un appel de l'officier l’ordonnant de partir a alzhar afin de finaliser la procédure. Quant à Abu muhamad, il revint a almenya pour recuperer de l'argent en cas de besoin.

Abu yahya partit avec camelia et contacta un ami pour être le deuxième témoin, le certificat était prêt, il ne manquait que le sceau. En arrivant devant al azhar la présence des forces de sécurité ainsi que des prêtres demandant à l’entrée une pièce d'identité les surprit. Malgré cela abuyahya réussit à rejoindre le bureau ou l'employer lui claqua la porte au nez.

L'affaire était claire. L 'islam de camellia perturbait certaines personnes. les services de police attendaient le moment propice pour entrer en action.

Abu yahya resta quelques heures dans son lieu de travail avec camellia , puis au moment de rentrer proposa à l'avocat de la société de le deposer chez lui étant voisins. Ce fut l'occasion pour camellia de lui demander d’etre son avocat pour l’aider a reprendre(ou garder) son enfant.

A un passage de train la voiture s'arrêta, 8 hommes entouraient la voiture , un des assaillants essaya de faire sortir abu yahya de la voiture en criant : enfin t'es pris haj muftah(abu yahya) !!!.

Abu yahya se défendit en donnant des coups aux assaillants et en hurlant qu’il n enleveront pas pas camellia, espérant attirer l’attention des passants. Puis il entendit la radio de la police ordonnant qu’on le frappa jusqu’à perdre connaissance et tout s’eclaircit. Les agresseurs n’etaient pas des coptes en colere mais bien de policiers en civiles.

Camelia fut mise dans une voiture ,en pleurs elle leur demanda de faire preuve de compassion en voyant abu yahya ensanglanté par terre plein de sang.

Depuis cette nuit, nous sommes sans nouvelle de camellia. Quant à abu yahya, il consultat aux urgences de l hopital pour traumatisme cranien puis fut detenu quelques jours en prison.

Abu muhamad révèla que camellia l’ appela pour lui dire qu'elle est en bonne santé mais qu'il devait faire la prière mortuaire sur elle.

En conclusion

Peut on faire l'éloge du courage de cette femme qui a tout sacrifié pour rejoindre la grande famille de l'islam? Sans hésitation je répondrai : OUI

Mais doit on se poser des questions sur les implications des services de polices dans cette affaire? Ce que faisaient Les prêtres chrétiens au sein de lazhar ? Ou est le soutien des musulmans pour les femmes qui renoncent au christianisme et embrassent l'islam?....tant de questions mais je préfère que vous vous les posez.

Je crois que ce sont des questions légitimes que tout humain digne de ce nom doit se poser.

On connaît tous la petite phrase : la balle est dans l'autre camp. Je me demande dans quelle camps elle est?


This is the true story of Kamelia Shehata

First: Her name is Camellia Shehata Zakher, she was 25 years old , and was born in one of the upper Egypt cities (AL MENIA) and raised as a Orthodox Christian. She married after finishing her college degree in science to a priest named Tadros Samaan.

She was working as a science teacher in the same town where her husband was living, after some time she found out about her husbands misbehavior of stealing money from the church and hiding it in a private bank account under her name to so it would not be questioned.

They had a son together, and when the son was six months old she was introduced to Islam through dialogues with her Muslim colleagues. She became eager to know more about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. She heard one Friday from the roof of the house, a sermon or khotba about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. After reading about Islam and studying it she reverted to the true religion of Islam, and her colleagues made a small party for her and were witnesses for her. She began to read Quran and memorized four chapters of it.

At that time, she stopped breast-feeding her son because she was convinced that she will leave him to the family of the father. Camellia didn't know that she had the right to take her son as it was told later by Abu Yahya, and was ready to take actions in court to have custody over him. Of course her family knew about her accepting Islam; and they were fighting her by all means and since the day that she declared her testimony of faith, and for the next year and a half her husband was not allowed to touch her.

On 17th of July 2010 she made up her mind, she went to the bank and cashed the money that her husband was stealing from the church and hiding it in a bank account under her name, she went back home, left the money which was thirty five thousand Egyptian pounds, kissed her child for goodbye and took some clothes and left for Al Azhar. She heard about a man who could help her in preparing the documents so she could get her certificate of being a muslima done in Al Azhar... his name is Moftah Mohamed and called Abu Yahya

Before she reached Abu Yahya by phone after leaving home, the security forces called him many times asking him if Camellia was with him. He was known in the region by the security forces as a person who helps people to revert to Islam and tests them if their reversion to Islam is true or only based on a romantic story with a Muslim or some other domestic reason. The security forces insisted that if she contacts Abu Yahya he must call them immediately. At the same time her husband gathered many Christians to demonstrate pretending that she was kidnapped by Muslims.

Abu Yahya searched the net about her story and found out that the Christians were saying that she was kidnapped and that she was a wife of a priest. After the night prayers Abu Mahmud from Almenya a friend of Abu Yahya was with Camellia and they were invited to come and see if he can help in this case as he had done with others in the past. He welcomed her and Abu Mahmud at his house and he wanted to be sure about her case so she was asked some questions to be sure that she accepted Islam by her own choice. In the meeting she declared to Abu Yahya that she needed to pray first and that she was a muslima for a year and a half and was separated in practice from her husband since then. She told him that she wants to declare Islam officially, and she even recited to him “Sourt Qaf” fully with the correct way of reciting, and she said that she had with her two thousand pounds in order to perform Ummrah in Ramadan to realize the dream of visiting the Holy Masjid (mosque).

Abu Yahya realized that she was serious and during all the talk she insisted that she was a muslima for a year and a half. She was wearing the niqab and whenever he would leave the room and come back he found her praising Allah swt or making supplications. Abu Yahya advised her at the end to call her mother so she will not be worried and she promised to do it and phoned the officer of security but couldn't have a clear connection and the officer promised to call back.

In the morning on their way to complete the documentation needed to declare Islam at Al-Azhar Abu Yahya was with Abu Mahmud escorting Camilla to Al-Azhar mosque at the noon prayer time. They performed prayers and they went to the office Inside Al-Azhar. The employee in charge of dealing with reverts was given the necessary documents to begin the procedure. The document was signed by Camellia and the witnesses but he stopped when he took from drawer small cards with names and saw the name of Camellia among them. He asked her,” Are you Camellia, 25 years old, teacher of sciences?” By hearing the affirmative answer he brought forth a paper from the drawer of the Bureau said that Camellia must come back tomorrow because she must be tested by some priests to be sure that she left Christianity and left the room for a few moments. Abu Yahya saw indeed the name of Camellia on the small paper and some information about her. A few minutes later, the employee returned with a changed behavior and told them that Sheikh Saeed, who had the seal to conclude the procedure is not in Al-Azhar (it was after salat a dohr noon prayer) took the seal with him and will not be able to end the proceedings today and they have to come back tomorrow.

Abu Yahya noticed the sudden change and confusion cleared even on the face of the employee, he went quickly to the office and then to his home.

The National Security Officer called Abu Yahya and asked him about the presence of Camellia and what actions were taken in the case if they went to Al-Azhar. Since there was no contact between him and Abu Yahya during all day then The officer asked Abu Yahya not to change his location unless there were direct orders from him or he must ask permission in case of leaving their location because ten buses full of Christians are traveling from Almenya to Al-Azhar which means troubles are on the way.

At twelve o'clock on Thursday the National Security officer called Abu Yahya and asked him to go immediately to Al-Azhar to finish the procedure, thinking that by stopping the buses to go from Almenya there will be no trouble but they were other Christians informed about the case from the church.

The presence of priests around and inside Al-Azhar was abnormal and it is for every Muslim who knows the institution of Al-Azhar. They asked everyone with the help of the police security who enter Al-Azhar about his identity card. Abu Muhammad and Abu Yahya were suspicious and they left camellia near to the car and went to Al-Azhar to prevent any trouble and since she is with the niqab no one will recognize her, then they were approached by a priest with a civil policeman and asked them for their ids. Abu Muhammad refused to give his information to them since they are Christians and have no authority in Al-Azhar. Inside Al-Azhar he was approached by an employee asking them if they are from Almenya with a shahada case, if so it is better to leave Al- Azhar cause they are searching for them and they will be arrested .

Abu Yahya said: At that time I felt that something was wrong, also Camellia noticed some individuals pointing to us, so I hurried up and took a taxi and left the keys of the car with the witness Abu Muhammad. I took her to the office of the company where I work, we stayed there for sometime, my mobile phone battery went dead and when I reached the office I opened it and found out that the National Security officer called and sent me a message to call back so I called. He told me to take care of her and asked me where I was, I told him I will reach home soon but he insisted that we must go back to Al-Azhar and complete the proceedings.

I was very worried then and decided that I will not follow these orders and I took Camellia to my home and so I went to my car which was brought from Abu Muhammad. We were accompanied with the lawyer of the company since he was on my way to home.

Inside the car she asked the lawyer at that time to help her raise a case against her husband for the custody for her child if possible. At that time we were on Kasser El Nile Bridge and suddenly we were surprised by a group attack on the car and one of them screaming: You Sheikh Moftah you are busted already, I thought they were Christians trying to kidnap her and I fought them since they called Camellia the worst names, which increased my conviction that they are Christians. Still I was confused till I heard a voice from a radio saying: “strike them until they faint" and then I knew they are National Security.

They grabbed me out of the car and so they did with sister Camellia while she was screaming: “why are you doing this... leave me... I am a Muslim... God won’t leave you... Fear God … don’t you have passion inside you... don’t you have mercy“and she kept screaming and crying and this was the last time I saw her

I kept on struggling till they put me in a car and put her in another car and put a bag over my head so I could not see and I took it off when they told me that I was at the center of National Security in Nasser City but because of the amount of the blood that I lost and the wounds on my head I was taken to the hospital, the result of the beating was twenty stitches on my head and concussion.

This is the sad and true story told by the witness Abu Yahya and until now we don't have any news about her. The church refuses to confess that Mrs. Camellia Shehata is a Muslim and she is in their prison making many procedures on her to change her mind and torturing her by all means to make her return back to Christianity refusing the idea that any human is free to change his religion, and refusing to give her right to choose her way on her own… on the other hand the Pop Shenoda the third declared that she will be enclosed in one of the churches and won’t be allowed to be exposed to media or anything.

ترجمة القصة بصيغة ملف وورود
نرجوا النشر

الملف الاول


الملف الثانى


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